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Home Curriculum

The ‘O’ level Curriculum

The school plans to teach the following subjects at ‘O’ level:

Compulsory subjects
1. English
2. Mathematics
3. Physics
4. Chemistry
5. Biology
6. History
7. Geography

8. Agriculture
9. Literature
10. Computer Studies
11. Christian Religious Studies (CRE)
12. French/Luganda & Kiswahili
13. Entrepreneurship/Commerce
14. Fine art
15. Technical drawing
16. Home management

‘A’ level Syllabus

Science Subjects

Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Agriculture, TD and Foods and Nutrition

Arts Subjects

Economics, History, Geography, Divinity, Entrepreneurship, Fine Art, French and Luganda

Enrichment Activities

  • Programs for the gifted/less giftedWe believe that every child matters and has potential to achieve. Therefore there will be a special program to take care of the less gifted children as well as the very gifted.
  • Personal Social and Health Education The subject of Personal, Social, and health Education (PSHE) will be provided and is expected to impart very useful social and life skills to the girls to prepare them to play an effective role in the community. This will also include education on HIV/AIDS and sexuality development of the youth.
  • Developing a reading Culture We plan to place great emphasis on developing a reading culture amongst the students which is the key to developing fully educated people.
  • Tutoring SystemStudents will be divided into groups of 15 and each group allocated a tutor, who will guide, motivate and follow up his/her tutees.
  • Career Education All the teachers will engage in career guidance at class level, house level, and tutor level and in day to day educational guidance.