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School Library

Home School Library

We are proud to say that Mount of Olives is first and foremost a reading school.

Our School Librarian, Madam Mary, is assisted by Madam Efrance. Everybody associated with the school is encouraged to read and share their literacy experiences: students and staff. Our Library sits at the heart of the school and everything it achieves.

The library has a continually up-dated resource center and it stalks several volumes of magazines, journals, encyclopedias, reference as well as textbooks relating different subjects as relevant to management as well other several disciplines. In addition, the library contains a variety of audiovisuals, digital and online versions of reference books, scientific research journals, and other learning materials arranged in large scale so as to make it possible for students to engage in self-study. The library is adequately spacious where a single class can fit. 

The library can accommodate up to 50 students with plenty of room. Students from Form 1 to Form 6 have access to the library at all times.

All students can are allowed to take the books with them and are given a 1 week or more reading time for each book. 

Students have access to 1 Luganda and 2 English newspapers that is available at the library. 

Students also have access to 7 Monthly magazines which they can read to increase their general knowledge every month. 


  • Fiction
  • General Knowledge
  • Reference
  • Religion
  • Astronomy
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Sports
  • Quiz
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Luganda
  • Kiswahili
  • Mathematics
  • History
  • Geography
  • Biographies of prominent people in the world
  • English & Literature
  • Non-Fiction and Ugandan Stories, etc.